Jeb Burton - Buckle Up in Your Truck 225 Race Recap
Team: No. 44 Alsco/State Water Heaters Chevrolet Silverado
Driver: Jeb Burton
Follow the Team: @NieceMotorsport; @JebBurtonRacing
PR Contact: Michelle Brachowski;
Start: 28th
Finish: 9th
Owner Points Position: 18th
Jeb Burton: “We struggled with our No. 44 Alsco/State Water Heaters Chevroletall day. Even though we did struggle, myteam persevered and worked on getting me the best truck they could, in ourone-day show. During stage three we really started getting the truck dialed in. Thank you to Al Niece, Cody Efaw, the No.44Niece team and my sponsors for making this all happen.”